Tuna, Red Onion, Cherry Tomatoes and Oregano Pizza


for 1 pizza
500g pizza dough
2 80g cans of Rio Mare Solid Light Tuna with Italian chilli
1 sweet, red onion
300g mozzarella
200g cherry tomatoes
60g extra-virgin olive oil
teaspoon of oregano

Stampa Ricetta

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Tuna with Hot Chili Pepper



    1. Heat the oven to 210 degrees and cut the mozzarella into cubes.

    2. Grease a baking pan, spread the dough pressing it well with your fingertips, grease with a little oil.

    3. Cut the tomatoes into four and lay them on the dough, thinly slice the onion and add it, then add the cubed mozzarella, seasoned with a pinch of salt and oregano and quite a bit of oil.

    4. Place the pizza into the oven and bake for about 20 minutes. Add the tuna to the pizza just a few minutes before it’s done. Let it release the flavor for only two or three minutes so that it does not dry out too much.

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